Friday, March 16, 2012

Teeny Tiny Adventure

My sister visited me this week, and it was a swell time.   It seems like every time she visits we get caught up in this great baking scheme.  This is what happened last time she was here.  We made a million cake pops.  You remember. 
Well, I am proud to say that we only got caught up in a teeny tiny baking scheme.  We were browsing around Bed, Bath, and Beyond, discussing all the products and things that we want to buy in the future for our dream homes and kitchens.  During our second stroll through the baking section, I came across these tiny tart pans and I was instantly hooked.  I have been wanting to experience with tarts.  I even added a tart pan to my Amazon Wishlist.  But with big tart pan my epic problem is still an issue. 
This is the issue. I love to experiment, and would love to work on my baking skills.  BUT.... Justin doesn’t really like sweets.  Now I know what you feminists are thinking, does it matter that Justin doesn’t really like sweets.  The answer, No, it doesn’t.  However, if I make a whole cake and Justin only eats a slice, who is going to eat the rest of the cake??  Right, Me.  And that is the reason I don’t do a lot of baking.  But these tiny tarts pans may just be the answer to my dilemma.

These are tiny, and you can make three tops and bottoms with one regular pie crust, and put any kind of filling in these.  Pretty amazing, right? 

The perfect portion size for one teeny tiny dessert.   Pretty cool.  Pretty tasty.  Pretty perfect.
I know, I need to work on my drizzling.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Don't Give Up On Me

I know what you are thinking.  You are thinking that I have been slacking.  You are incorrect. 

I have something really great coming off the needles for you to see.
And something really great that is going on the needles tomorrow.

And two crochet things that are so cute, that you will probably want to tear out your eyes after viewing because the cuteness in unbearable.

Patience is a virtue.

Be patient, my friends.

Friday, March 2, 2012

At Least Friday is Here!

I wish I could tell you that I have been homemaking up a storm, and have an excellent blog post for you today.  But that is not the case; I have only cooked 3 meals this week.   None of them new recipes or anything fun, and none of them were really blog worthy.
 Shoot, Justin didn’t even eat one of them.  It was a roasted chicken breast, and he didn’t care for the marinade that I used.   Now most wives would have hurt feelings over this.  Something that they worked on, and their husbands wouldn’t eat it.  And to be completely honest and not lie on my own blog, I was starting to feel a little bad about myself, but then Justin reminded me.  That I have made him many meals over the last eight years we have been together.  Some were really awesome.  Some were epic fails.  And this is only the second time that he did not eat it.  Yes, my husband is honest.  But he is also a very good sport.  And I really appreciate both of these qualities.
On another topic, I have been looking for inspiration for yarn projects.  I am excited about a few that are tossing around in my brain.  And I am really looking forward to showing all of you those.   But this is an idea that has already gotten out of my head and into the hands of a very excited Mother to Be. 
Beware....  This may be the cutest thing I have ever made. 

It is a newborn suit.  Would be absolutely perfect for newborn pics

Looking for ideas on what other animals I could make?  What do you think?
I will be better next week, and have more exciting things to blog about.