My good friend, Anna, who lives in Florida got married in July. She wanted her wedding gift to be a blanket. Now, Anna is the one of the kindest people I know, especially to animals. So she needed a wonderful blanket! I had this pattern that I have dying to try.
It was intarsia crochet. I had to make 80 squares, sew them together, and then make a border. It took forever. (Think of all the yarn ends I had to sew in and hide) I seriously have 40+ hours into this blanket. And when it was finished, it was amazing..
I tied it with a beautiful bow and packaged it with a sweet card. Telling Anna, that I knew she wouldnt mind all my kitties fur that had made it on the blanket. And shipped it off last Thursday.
I told Anna it would arrive on Saturday.
Monday morning, I checked to make sure the blanket and the pepper jelly that I had mailed off to a friend in IL had both made it to their new homes.
Typed in one tracking number, the package is in Peoria should be delivered today. Perfect. Typed in the other tracking number, the second package is also in Peoria, IL. What?!
i double check. Triple check. to make sure that I hadnt just entered the same number twice. But nope.
I immediately start to feel like I can’t breathe. I wonder if somehow I have written the address on Anna’s blanket incorrectly. What if I have combined the IL and FL addresses, Where will this blanket be sent? The tracking site said, Out for delivery. Will the recipient realize the package was not meant for them, and return to sender? Where in the hell is the blanket that I spent 40+ hours of my life at? Cue hysteria.
According to the USPS website, the package was not delivered and has been marked Missent. I am totally second guessing what address that I actually put on the package.
I am nervous and I am praying that my blanket ends up at Anna’s house in Florida. I would settle for it coming back to me, and I will then hold onto it until I can give it to her myself. At the very least, I hope wherever it ends up. It is with a fellow knitter/crocheter who can recognize the amount of work that went into that blanket and will love it.