Monday, August 12, 2013

Is Summer Over?

I know it has been awhile since I posted, but I have had a busy summer. Wait a minute, I don’t have to explain myself to you people. According to Google, the first day of Autumn is September 22nd. That is still a good bit away. I have a lot going on between today and the first day of fall. But for some reason, I feel like summer is coming to a close. Here is why I think summer is coming to a close. -Holly went back home, and starts school soon. I associate Holly’s visit with summer. -Football season is only 3 weeks away. Football is fall. -Our schedules finally seem to be slowing down. Next weekend, we are not leaving Atlanta and no one is coming here for the weekend. Although, we do pick back up for the next couple weekends, but one free weekend has been foreign to the Broderways this summer. -School has started. Although, I have not started school in years, and I have no children. You can’t miss the increase in traffic and the school buses. -I saw jack o’ lanterns at Kroger. Really? Although, I hate it with a passion, I would fully expect to see Christmas stuff in the stores next month. -My plants are turning a little brown, and it is time to think about what next to plant. -My mind is wondering back to knitting and crocheting. I usually get a little distant from my yarn during the summer, but I feel myself slowly coming back to it. -Also, I have decided it was time to write a blog. That should tell you something for sure. So what should we call this gap, between real summer and real fall. Is Indian Summer the right term? I am not sure. That refers to heat waves, and it seems like all we have been getting is rain. I have no idea what to call this gap. And although fall is my favorite season, I am really going to miss summer. I went to some awesome concerts this summer. My best friend got engaged this summer. I had some pretty awesome parties. I had some great backyard bbq food. I had great fun picking berries and making jam this summer. I feel like the music for this summer was amazing. Awesome time at Six Flags, the list goes on and on. I am really going to miss summer.